Episode 21: We Were Fanatics

We interview Pat, or D P Patricks this week, who was so enraptured by the partnership of Starsky & Hutch when it first aired that she moved out to Hollywood and got a job on the show doing legal and production research. Come listen to her memories of meeting the cast and crew, her experience of seeing the show get made, and her joy at discovering online fandom in 2014!

Episode Notes:

D P Patricks on A03 and on The Starsky & Hutch Archive

Pat’s Recollections series, where she shared her memories of working on Starsky & Hutch: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5

Specific stories by D P Patricks mentioned in the episode:

A Devious Mind , Miami LinesNew York Calling, and Individuality

The Starsky & Hutch 911 Community

And here is the moment where you can see David’s shadow on the wall behind Paul, rubbing his nose.

Starsky in the episode A Coffin For Starsky

Music Credit: theme from Route 66

10 thoughts on “Episode 21: We Were Fanatics”

  1. I tried to leave a comment yesterday, Ladies, but I probably forgot to click ‘Post Comment.’ So, here goes again: Thank You Monica, Rachel and Jen for the chance to relate some of my experiences and feelings with and for Starsky & Hutch. And special thanks to Rachel for finding and posting the clip from ACFS, with David’s shadow in the background. I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation and getting to relive all those good times! THX!!!

    1. We screen the comments because we get a lot of spam. And then sometimes forget to check for a couple days, oops! Anyway, you’re very welcome, and thank YOU for taking the time to share your wonderful stories with us.

  2. Great show! I love Pat’s Recollections and this interview gave them even more depth and background.

    Someone recently posted the Coffin shadow scene in an FB group – they were sure it showed David smoking at the scene. 🙂

    1. Thank you! We lucked out in getting Pat for a guest.

      Ah, I missed that post on the FB group! That’s certainly a unique interpretation!

        1. Ahh, no I’m not. There’s enough content in the slash group to keep me entertained, so it’s the only FB group I really check in on.

    2. Hi Mortmere,
      Thanks for commenting on my reminiscences podcast. I’m glad you enjoyed it! FYI, David NEVER smoked on the hot part of a set (where filming was done). If he’d been smoking in that shadow scene, the smoke would have shown in the frame. It’s a David Mannerism that I’m positive he repeated at least one other time in the series (pinching the b0ttom of his nose). So, there’s a challenge fans: find that ‘at least one other time’ and tell us what episode. I used to know every frame of every episode but it’s been too many years…. Alas…

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