Episode 15: Hutch’s Snake

What are the implications of the cancellation of Amazon’s Starsky & Hutch show? How did a tiny New Jersey newspaper impress us with their summary of S&H? Is there precedent for cults setting rattlesnakes on their foes? And does Rachel’s mom know that Huggy Bear is not a Care Bear? Listen to find out!

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Episode Notes:

Summary of S&H from The Suburban (click to enlarge):

Mindhunter (TV Series)

My Favorite Murder podcast episode about the Synanon cult

The Window by MVernet

The Ground Beneath Our Feet by Gideon BD

Music Credit: Theme to Mindhunter

2 thoughts on “Episode 15: Hutch’s Snake”

  1. I haven’t listened to the podcast yet, but read the New Jersey article. And I wanted to share with you that at the latest reunion there was a similar “Sweet Revenge” toast. But this time, instead of Starsky almost not making it, it was David who came close to not surviving his latest surgery. The toast was just as poignant. I mean, it went there. Talk about deja vu….

    Starsky and Hutch is the gift that keeps on giving 🙂

    1. Oh wow. Thank you for sharing, none of us knew about that! Oh, my heart…


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